Thursday, July 31, 2008

Find A Goal and Score

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I just want to talk a little bit about something that's effecting me and a lot of people i know and don't know. So I'm talking to you and myself. Being a young adult it's difficult to know what you want to do in life or what your suppose to do. For those rare individuals who knew since they were little kids, that's a gift. But for the many of us it doesn't come that easy, so don't think you're alone. The best thing i can suggest to fix that is just by exposing yourself to many different things, activities, and people. When your environment is very limited and always the same you lack stimulation from the world and can make you feel that there are no options other than what you already know. A fire can be lit inside you that you never knew was there just by meeting a new person or doing a new activity.

Now for those of us who know what they want to do but make excuses why they aren't there yet. You have to put some action behind your words. The more you talk about doing something the more you're not taking action to do it. So basically more action. The reason you might not be taking action is because you're just looking at the ultimate goal which might seem so distant it could be discouraging. It's like being on the one yard line in football and trying to get a touchdown in just four tries. That task seem so difficult you probably would give up before even trying. But if you can get some first downs on your way, then that task has gotten a lot more do- able. Pretty much you have to set little goals to get you to the big one.

Lastly just make sure you have a goal cause that's the only way things get accomplished. Imagine seeing two kids playing basketball with no hoop (no crates, no garbage cans, no clothes hangers you can bend into a hoop for all my people from the hood). You probable wonder what the hell are they doing. You might even ask them how do they know who's winning and think that they are wasting their time. When your mom, dad, girlfriend , boyfriend, brother, sister etc. is giving you a hard time about what your doing with your life, they see you playing basketball with no hoop. So just make sure you're moving forward everyday because even if you think you stood still, you really went backwards cause time is always moving forwards.

So find that goal and get it poppin. Peace.


I ask you all to close your eyes and envision that you are at Harvard university learning technology and a thought hits you about computers, now move years forward and you are at the same school but now think of a social networking website. Now we jump further back to a time of hate and torment and come up with an idea to bring a nation together. Open your eyes and I ask you where have all the thinkers gone? When I talk about thinkers I talk about those who solve problems and also bring new ideas to this world. This week I've seen somethings that made me question myself as well as the people in this society. On my commute every day from work these young men come onto the train and dance for money. Now apart of me thinks they do it because they love it or maybe there just practicing. But then the other half of me sees something completely different. That part of me sees young men that believe they have no other option but to do what they know or don't know to make money. Images of suppressed black men dancing for money during a time of inequality come to my head. I look around and people stare with eyes of these young men as being inferior. I fear this age of the hustle will create an unbalanced and different world. There was a time where kids sold candy for school fund raisers but now older men do it as if it is a living. The young and old sing for money even though they are out of tune. My eyes must be deceiving as I watch a grown man show his son how to sell bootleg dvd's and cd's. It makes me upset that when it comes down to the teaching to the youth and future of this world the essence of the hustle.

We all want to have a certain status in life that we can look back and enjoy our accomplishments. But to many of us look in that direction and believe it will come no matter what. We are the lovers of dreams but never want to wake up and pursue. As a society we are losing a basic principal which is working hard. I'm not saying standing on a train or street corner selling things or selling yourself isn't hard work. It is but for me personally I don't see it as hard work but as an easy dollar. We mimic the things that seem easy and popular. Creativity has been replaced with the need for wealth. You might say im old fashioned but from my examples above, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Martin Luther King did not do the things for there own personal gain. They did it to change the world, creating a new era through creativity and there determination. These two words mean nothing to most in todays society, ranging from the people in Hollywood to the common folk. I hope that this age of the hustle ends and hope that the day comes when the hustlers will become the thinkers. Its time to wake up!

Earthquake hits southern California

I was channel surfing a few days ago and landed on the news channel which the headline was 5.4 magnitude earthquake hit southern California. A couple of people were little bit nervous and said they haven't felt an earthquake like this since 1994.Where I live all we have to worry about is the cold and snow. Hope there wasn't any major injuries and structural damages especially in today's economy.

“The earthquake that rattled Southern California on Tuesday might have caused devastation if it had taken place in some parts of the world, but relatively strict building codes ensured that most of the region's infrastructure -- homes, schools, freeways and rail systems -- rolled with the magnitude 5.4 punch, which was centered near Chino Hills and felt as far as Las Vegas.

As aftershocks continued to reverberate, officials inspected airports, freeways and buildings, and reported little damage from the quake, which occurred at
11:42 a.m. and was the first significant temblor in more than a decade to be centered in an urban area of California. The biggest strains were felt in phone and Internet systems, which buckled due to overwhelming demand in the minutes after the jolt.



Check these videos out especially the Judge Judy one.





Thanks to the LATIMES.COM for providing the article above.

[FUNNY VIDEOS] Knee Slapping Thursday...

Unnecessary Censorship Sesame Street Edition - Watch more free videos

New definition of sleep walking - Watch more free videos

Why You Shouldnt Live With A Girl - Watch more free videos

Construction Worker Gets Dropped - Watch more free videos

"talk about hardcore..."

Wrestlers Need A Chair And Fans Deliver - Watch more free videos

The Rock is HILARIOUS...

-WhieBee? [wh-eye-b-ee]

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

[VIDEO] Funniest News Slip Ups

Compilation of Funniest News Slip Ups - Watch more free videos

-WhieBee? [wh-eye-b-ee]




See more Judd Apatow videos at Funny or Die


What will Favre do?[Update]

If you follow sports then you know all about this Brett Favre fiasco going on right now. But for those that have been living under a rock, I’ll fill you in. To sum it up shortly, Brett Favre retired as qb of the Green Bay Packers in March.  July swings around and he says to himself, “Hey wait a minute, I still want to play”.  And pretty much from there, it begins…

Now at this point the Packers have already gone forward with 3rd year Qb Aaron Rodgers. They’ve already MOVED ON. Apparently Favre has not. He still feels he can play for at least another year or two.  Packers aren’t having it. The head coach Mike McCarthy has already named Rodgers his starting QB and that’s what the team is going with. Favre wants to be back with the Packers but sure as hell not going to be a back up to Rodgers holding a clipboard on the sideline. The entire Green Bay packer organization is practically begging Favre to stay away from Training Camp so that there won’t be this huge distraction with the team.  Which is completely understandable.

So what are Brett Favre’s options? Well HE wants a release from the Packers (which is said to be that he’ll end up with the Vikings if that happened). But there is NO CHANCE IN HELLLLLLLL that they release him. Packers don’t want him in the same division, let alone the NFC I think. So sorry Mr. Fav-rah, that ain’t happening.  Then there is a trade. Which I personally think will happen. To where is completely another story.  The rumors have reported Tampa Bay Bucs and New York Jets. I think the Packers would much rather have him on the Jets and in the AFC BUT I also think Favre prefers to go elsewhere if he were to be traded. If it were between those two teams, Tampa Bay would be the ideal spot considering he’d probably pick up that offense better. But then again he’s a future HOF, Superbowl, Probowl, 18-year quarterback. I’m pretty sure he’d be able to pick up any offense without much trouble.

All in all, this has gone on for way too long. He said he wanted to be back the beginning of July, and he JUST turned in his papers to be reinstated. It’s like he’s toying with everyone.  Packers don’t want you back, you are not going to be released, start talking to teams and accept a damn trade.  In the end I think thePackers are going to take just about anything in a trade to get this problem away from them.  I don’t see how he they will let him back, unless he accepts the backup role. For what reason? I have no idea.  And if the Packers take him back and start him over Rodgers, then I will lose all respect for that ENTIRE team and organization. Because then he just bitched all of you.  But yea who knows.

With that all said, I would like to end this by saying as a Jets fan - Brett, we sure would love a guy like you over here on the Jets. ;)

             Let the 2008-09 NFL season BEGIN!! (still about a month away but still)

*Update: Supposedly Brett Favre was offered $20 million over 10 years to stay home and retired from Packers CEO, Mark Murphy. If that's true, god damn! Stay retired! But he'll never accept that. It's getting ugly I tell ya!


If ya haven't heard yet Ron Artest is a Rocket and even though it's only July this is going to be the most significant NBA off season move. Artest is a great pick up by Houston. Not only does he bring the on the court intangibles like defense, rebounding and 16 points per game, but he brings the things that you won't see in the stat chart like attitude, physical play, a desire to win and leadership. OK let me just stop the Houston Rockets party just a second. McGrady and Yoa just can't seem to stay healthy. Year after year the Rockets suffer from not having both of their superstars at 100% during the post season. T- Mac and Yoa better see the Phoenix Suns trainers or something cause once you go to that team your healed (ex: Tim Thomas, Shaq Daddy, and Grant Hill of all people, the guys ankle is like a straw and he was dunking on ppl ....aight let me stop). OK, time to party again Houston because with Artest and Battier's physical play it just might keep McGrady healthy since he wouldn't have to play hero all the time. Houston is now a Western Conference Championship contender and in my opinion they are probably a Rasheed Wallace or McDyess kind of forward away from being a NBA final contender.

So dry those tears T- Mac and say hello to the 2ND round.

Video: Robin Thicke-Magic (HQ)

Show Appreciation For The Old School Father.

What's up people? The old school father is something that is missing now a days. Granted there was a time period where the father was missing completely from the black family (which i believe is improving) there is nothing that can replace the "black father". Let me apologize to all the single mothers out there of all races and ethnicity's but as hard you guys try and how ever so diligently you guys work, YOU CAN'T REPLACE THE FATHER FIGURE. Now I'm specifically talking to the black community because due to my experience that is the race i see with the most single mothers. These black women are so strong. They can make the best out of many difficult situations and the more kids a single mother have, specially in a bad neighborhood, the tougher the situation is and the harder it's going to be to raise your kids right. There are mothers out there who are the best mothers they can be and sadly the best father they can be. Sometimes women play such a good fatherly role they might even fool other people or themselves that they need no man........UH UH! There is nothing worst than that scary black father who can't wait till they kid f' up so he could put that thick ass belt to work. Now that's a little bit extreme no dad wants there kid to mess up but the point is that he so scary the child might think so. Just the image of his face can make you make the unpopular, but right decision.

You know when you was a child you thought about some bad ass things to do and probably did it, but if your image of your father was like the following than things might of been a little different.

"Yo i feel like cutting class today........"

nah chill.

" I'm going to steal something from the deli......."

damn i better not.
"I'm driving my pops car......."

oh hell nah!

It's that kind of image (the bad ass father look of Robin Harris) that women can't replicate that will have your children thinking of reasons why he or she shouldn't do something bad. A lot of these bad ass kids you see to day lack that fear of their parents and the father can impose the worst fear, i mean make you think about consequences. Now tell me if you had this kind of father you wouldn't think twice, three or four times before doing something stupid.....

Thanks Robin Harris for that performance in House Party because your role is the epitome of the old school father and we need more like ya.

So instead of coming home past curfew (if ya kids still have that now a days) and talking shit to your mom cause it's just tool late and she is too over whelmed to deal with your ass.. you should be coming home like this after doing some dumb ishh.


How Can You Not Like.....Black Girls

Whats Happening People

As promised in my last post I'm going to follow up with my reasons for not understanding people finding black girls unattractive. Having friends from different backgrounds I've noticed that black girls stock is falling in conversations about the best looking and rising in the conversations that deal with...well...shit we don't want to deal with.

First I'm going to address those out there with less than perfect vision. I'm just going to assume that you can't see so well, if you think they aren't any black girls that fit in the "Amazing Looks" category.Here you go, get as close to the screen as you need to and don't be too embarrassed to squint at your own computer.

Second up I'm going to tackle the black girls have an attitude issue. To be honest there is no way around it having a girl with an attitude is going to cause headaches, but for this kind of pain you don't take Advil . Yes she will probably start fights and leave the both of you mad at each other, but that just sets the stage for what will be the best part of the relationship....make up sex. Anyone who's had make up sex or angry sex knows its pretty hard to have any better kind of sex. If your girl has an attitude all the time that just gives you better chances of taking you anger out on her in the bedroom. It's like playing high stakes poker with an endless supply of aces up your sleeve, you got the game in the bag.
Last up I'm just going to say not all black girls have fat asses just like not all black men can dunk, but man when they do its a sight to behold.
This is the undeniable recipe for a likable black girl, look I know not every black girl has all three of these qualities but I'm sure you can find a girl with 2 out of the 3 and that ain't bad.

For those that want to know the girls in the pics (excluding the angry one) are in order Angel Tara, ERICA MENA , K.D. AUBERT and BUFFIE THE BODY.

Jungle Commando

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

it's the remix baybayyyyyy....


Ladies, this one is for y'all...another summer coming soon!
-WhieBee? [wh-eye-b-ee]

Does anyone still buy/collect TRADING CARDS?

Remember when... 

...we were younger and buying basketball, baseball or football cards at lunch time, or at some other store was the cool thing to do?...  Finding a hologram inside made your day and you couldn't wait to put it in one of those hard plastic cases to keep it in "mint condition"?  Those were the days.  I remember looking soo hard for a binder and those plastic pages that held the cards in em, so that my cards would not get scratched or have the edges bent.  Man, when that happened, especially to a card that you THOUGHT would be worth a lot of money, it was a sad day.  Finding that binder seemed to save my life when i was 11 years old and I still have it today.  

I still have that Ken Griffey hologram from when he was with Seatle...a few Michael Jordans. Penny Hardaway and Shaquille O'neal rookie cards (we LOVED those rookie cards, didn't we?) and a whole host of other cards in that SAME binder.  Can you believe it?  After all these years, I still have it, full of hundreds of cards, neatly packed away, waiting for that day that I could sell them and hopefully make some money.  So, I'm writing this blog because maybe YOU collect cards or buy them and are looking for rare ones from Fleer, Topps, Upperdeck and all the other hot brands they had back then (trust, I took this seriously back then and had the hottest sh*t lol). Who even knows if these are worth much, but I just have them sitting there so I figured why not write about it and see if anyone is interested.  So, if you're looking for cards, holla at me.  If not, maybe at least I brought back some good memories for you.

-WhieBee? [wh-eye-b-ee]

[VIDEO] LL Cool J Feat. The-Dream- "Baby"

Summertime SMASH

The-Dream is the sh*t...

-WhieBee? [wh-eye-b-ee]

Space Mothership: Virgin Galatica

Virgin mogul Richard Branson(Virgin Galactic) and Burt Rutan an American aerospace designer suited in all white just unveiled a passenger aircraft that could launch into space in front of engineers and space aficionado. This event was being held at the Mojave Desert in California.

The four engine jet (White Knight Two) with a wingspan of 140 foot is considered to be the world’s largest all-carbon-composite airplane. This aircraft was created to support the Spaceship Two underneath it. Once the Mother ship and jet reach 50,000 feet in the air they will separate and the SpaceShip Two will fire its rocket 60 miles more above the Earth. Fans will have to wait for the journey because the Spaceship Two is still being built.

The mother ship is called eve name after Branson mother Eve Brason comes with a huge price tag ($200,000) just to ride to space and experience zero gravity. I know when Kayne talked about flying into space but geez didn’t think u would have to come out of pocket like that.

Well kids better work two summer jobs for many years to save up for this trip because I’m not going anytime soon.

dealing with WEIGHT issues?

Wanna Lose Weight?...  Are You Too Lazy?...  Not Enough Time?... Just Don't Care?...
**this is long, but I think it's pretty interesting if you are thinking about losing weight***

Alright, so it's about 9 am on a Tuesday morning and I just got back from the gym.  On the 15 minute walk back to my house I got to thinkin' about what I've been doing since I've come home from college in May.  For 9 weeks now I have been going through the very tough routine of waking up at 6:15 and hauling my ass to the gym.  Now, 6:15 is DUMB early for anybody to do anything ("Dumb" is another word for "mad", "very",  or "wicked" [for u funny talkin' New Englanders]- yes, I indeed said that).  

For the first 2-3 weeks I was doing it on my own... Going to the gym and lifting weights for about a half hour and then doing cardio for a half hour (okay, maybe the cardio was 10-15 minutes at first because boy, do I hate running on a treadmill- it's soooo boring, man).  Doing it by yourself is tough, but I was motivated because I saw that my trousers (funny word) were feeling a little tight around the mid section (another funny term, to me- reminds me of wrestling commentators like Jim Ross).  I had eaten sooo much chicken wings and waffle fries (with melted cheese) at school that I might as well have worked for the place I ordered from.  I was a loyal customer and deserved a free meal or something, don't you think?  But then again, that food is what made my belly look like there was a grown man in it, so maybe it's a good thing that the free meal never happened.  Don't worry, this blog is going somewhere and will have a good message at the end, i PROMISE.

So upon coming home I decided I was gonna try to change my life-mainly my waist size.  I was gonna join the gym and work out hard every day and get back down to the weight I was at the end of the summer.  

Oh yea, last summer I worked out for the whole summer break before going back to school and ended up losing about 15 lbs- though in the mirror it looked like maybe I lost 5- and when I went back to school everyone was talkin' about how good I looked and how I lost a lot of weight.  FIrst of all, I knew I dropped some, but I didn't expect the reaction that I got from these people.  It was almost like I was a whale before, and I came back as a dolphin.  Had me thinkin', "Damn, was I really that much bigger?...cuz I don't see much of a difference in myself".  But i'll tell you one thing- That ish made me feel damn good, I won't lie.  

So, using that experience, I knew that I should be able to duplicate that, and If I work even harder, I can lose even more weight... 
I weighed wayyy more than I ever have in my life at this point and I didn't get how some people were still askin' me "why do you wanna go on a're not're just look like Timbaland". [ I DON'T wanna be buff like Timbo!!!  By the way... Tim, you are the best to ever do it, POINT, BLANK, PERIOD and I'm working hard to make my mark in music one day, also].  Now at this point I was wondering what drugs these people were on cuz yea, there was muscle, but i saw a good amount of fat that I wasn't happy with either.  
I start working out and its going well.  I'm starting to see that I'm getting in better shape, hoping that this is gonna lead to massive weight loss and I'll be on the beach with my shirt off, having boos faint as I walk by, in no time.  Then I wake up and realize that losing weight takes time and you have to continue to stay motivated and believe that you can do it.  You can quit too soon or get discouraged too quickly and end up not living up to the potential of your desired weight loss.

A few weeks go by and I ask one of my boys if he wanted start working out.  Running on the treadmill was getting so boring (until I used the Reebok ones with the TV's BUILT IN them, but more on that later), that I wouldn't have minded running on the track and doing some work outs outside.  Knowing how I am, I knew I wouldn't be able to do it on my own cuz man, keeping yourself motivated, no matter how good of a motivator you think you are, is tough.  My boy was down, so that made me happy that I now had a partner.  

We start doing all types of drills and exercises- running stairs, core workouts, laps, suicides, sprints- and things have been going well.  We even got one of our friends to join us consistently and another who comes from time to time.  Occasionally we'll have that, "I'm feeling comfortable in this spot" morning when we don't wanna wake up and have a phone conversation like...
"yo, you wanna go...?"
"yeah, me either, but tomorrow, definitely, aight?"

But for the most part we have done a good job of waking up and getting it done.  It's tough, but we get it done.  The feeling that you have after you work out is a great one.  You feel refreshed and relaxed.  You may be waking up at 12 everyday and doing nothing all day, or maybe you're working and you come home and just eat and watch TV, but think about the transformation you could make to your mind and body in just one hour a day?  I typically work out about 2 hours a day, 6 days a week- Sometimes 7, along with playing basketball on the weekends.  Oh and yea after we do our work out for about 45 minutes to an hour in the morning, my friends go to work or home, and I go to the gym and lift and do more cardio for another hour. 

So... how do I do it, you ask?  Man, I'm tellin' you...It's DUMB hard (there goes that word again), but if you are really unhappy with the way you look or your fitness level you will make the choice to change and do what it takes, or else you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life and it will only get worse- to the point of no return.  Think about it.  Let's say you have been thinking about joining the gym for the past 6 months.  How much weight could you have lost in that 6 months?  If you knew you would've lost at least 30 points would that make you want to go back in time?  If you wouldn't want to hop back like Marty McFly, then this blog isn't meant for you to read.  This is for the people who want to lose weight and find it hard to find the motivation or the will to actually do it.

I've been on this regiment for 9 weeks now and according to the scales today- both in my house and at the gym- I've lost exactly 22 lbs (I haven't eaten yet, so we'll see what those mf'ers say later when I check again).  Now, honestly, I see a mild difference, but I feel like I don't see 22 lbs of weight loss.  That makes it hard to keep going.  But one thing that keeps me from giving up is the reaction from the trainer at the gym and another older man that is there EVERY morning (this guy has to be in his 50's or 60's and he's there everyday... how old are you?)  They have been telling me for the past 2 weeks that they see a big difference- Big?...I see a little difference- and to stay motivated if I'm trying to lose more.   You know how old people talk... this guy was like, "I haven't been known to tell no lies... Man, you lookin' good.  Keep it up...Imma start callin'  you skinny...".  Pause.  

To get encouragement like that helps me to keep it going and hopefully I can do it, cuz I still don't see the BIG difference.  But if other people can see it then I guess they aren't blind.  And men may lie, women may lie, but NUMBERS don't.  And that 22 lbs  is an indication that I'm doing something right. 

So for all of you out there that don't think that you can do it, or you're too lazy to do it, or you don't think you have the time... Think about how badly you want to change yourself and what it takes to do it.  It doesn't happen over night, but it does happen if you stay focused and do what you are supposed to do.  I forgot to mention that I changed my diet and stopped eating a lot of fast food, fried food and things that are bad for you.  Thats probably the hardest part because you know I LOVE food if I was eating chicken wings and waffle fries on the regular.  

And about those TV's in the treadmill?  Running on a treadmill still isn't that appealing to me, but being able to watch "Saved By The Bell" while I run- without having to look up at a TV, hurting my neck, while reading the captions, cuz there's no sound- is a beautiful thing and helps out a lot!

Be motivated- Be focused- Be Willing

Holla at the kid!

-WhieBee? [wh-eye-b-ee]

Monday, July 28, 2008

VIDEO: Lil Wayne feat T-Pain and Mack Maine " Got Money

Strip Clubs....For What???

Some one needs to tell me what's the big deal about strip clubs? Men go crazy for them ::caugh caugh:: pacman ::cough caugh:: I mean ya dudes out there must be crazy. Now i know one of ya excuse is going to be i got the money so why not which is bs cause there be a lot of broke dudes at strip club trying to "MAKE IT RAIN" (dumbest ish i ever heard) Yo i don't care if i got A. Rod money last thing I'm doing is paying some chicks rent and tuition just to see her dance naked. But i would stop there for some chicken... but nah it's a complete waste of time and money. If you need to see naked chicks that bad pop on some showtime or cine max or something and that specially goes for those athletes. Dumb asses getting shot at a strip club what kind of shit is that.

Ya dudes better have some ass waiting for you when you get home or something cause ain't nothing sound worst than going to strip club getting hard then going home and going to sleep. That's ridiculous, won't ya just donate money to a charity. I could find better sources of entertainment than that. Buy a porno its cheaper and last longer.

Now fellas i do have one exception and that's if you got some female friends that you know and they are willing to strip and dance in a private setting .....then, OK. First in this situation making it rain is optional (if you do at least it's going to someone you know and not a stranger). Second you know every dude got a female friend that body looks right and you're so curious what she looks like with out clothing (curiosity mixed with anticipation is great!). Third, something can pop off!!

So i ask again what's the big deal about strip clubs? Save your money man.

Hey You!...Blogger..Yeah, Im Talkin' To You...Got somethin' for ya!

Top 10 Tips For The Blogger...

10. Write at least five major "pillar" articles. A pillar article is usually a tutorial style article aimed to teach your audience something. Generally they are longer than 500 words and have lots of very practical tips or advice. This article you are currently reading could be considered a pillar article since it is very practical and a good "how-to" lesson. This style of article has long term appeal, stays current (it isn't news or time dependent) and offers real value and insight. The more pillars you have on your blog the better.

9. Write one new blog post per day minimum. Not every post has to be a pillar, but you should work on getting those five pillars done at the same time as you keep your blog fresh with a daily news or short article style post. The important thing here is to demonstrate to first time visitors that your blog is updated all the time so they feel that if they come back tomorrow they will likely find something new. This causes them to bookmark your site or subscribe to your blog feed.

You don't have to produce one post per day all the time but it is important you do when your blog is brand new. Once you get traction you still need to keep the fresh content coming but your loyal audience will be more forgiving if you slow down to a few per week instead. The first few months are critical so the more content you can produce at this time the better.

8. Use a proper domain name. If you are serious about blogging be series about what you call your blog. In order for people to easily spread the word about your blog you need an easily rememberable domain name. People often talk about blogs they like when they are speaking to friends in the real world (that's the offline world, you remember that place right?) so you need to make it easy for them to spread the word and pass on your URL. Try and get a .com if you can and focus on small easy to remember domains rather than worry about having the correct keywords (of course if you can get great keywords and easy to remember then you've done a good job!).

7. Start commenting on other blogs. Once you have your pillar articles and your daily fresh smaller articles your blog is ready to be exposed to the world. One of the best ways to find the right type of reader for your blog is to comment on other people's blogs. You should aim to comment on blogs focused on a similar niche topic to yours since the readers there will be more likely to be interested in your blog.

Most blog commenting systems allow you to have your name/title linked to your blog when you leave a comment. This is how people find your blog. If you are a prolific commentor and always have something valuable to say then people will be interested to read more of your work and hence click through to visit your blog.

6. Trackback and link to other blogs in your blog posts. A trackback is sort of like a blog conversation. When you write a new article to your blog and it links or references another blogger's article you can do a trackback to their entry. What this does is leave a truncated summary of your blog post on their blog entry - it's sort of like your blog telling someone else's blog that you wrote an article mentioning them. Trackbacks often appear like comments.

This is a good technique because like leaving comments a trackback leaves a link from another blog back to yours for readers to follow, but it also does something very important - it gets the attention of another blogger. The other blogger will come and read your post eager to see what you wrote about them. They may then become a loyal reader of yours or at least monitor you and if you are lucky some time down the road they may do a post linking to your blog bringing in more new readers.

5. Encourage comments on your own blog. One of the most powerful ways to convince someone to become a loyal reader is to show there are other loyal readers already following your work. If they see people commenting on your blog then they infer that your content must be good since you have readers so they should stick around and see what all the fuss is about. To encourage comments you can simply pose a question in a blog post. Be sure to always respond to comments as well so you can keep the conversation going.

4. Submit your latest pillar article to a blog carnival. A blog carnival is a post in a blog that summarizes a collection of articles from many different blogs on a specific topic. The idea is to collect some of the best content on a topic in a given week. Often many other blogs link back to a carnival host and as such the people that have articles featured in the carnival enjoy a spike in new readers.

To find the right blog carnival for your blog, do a search at

3. Submit your blog to To be honest this tip is not going to bring in a flood of new readers but it's so easy to do and only takes five minutes so it's worth the effort. Go to Blog Top Sites, find the appropriate category for your blog and submit it. You have to copy and paste a couple of lines of code on to your blog so you can rank and then sit back and watch the traffic come in. You will probably only get 1-10 incoming readers per day with this technique but over time it can build up as you climb the rankings. It all helps!

2. Submit your articles to This is another tip that doesn't bring in hundreds of new visitors immediately (although it can if you keep doing it) but it's worthwhile because you simply leverage what you already have - your pillar articles. Once a week or so take one of your pillar articles and submit it to Ezine Articles. Your article then becomes available to other people who can republish your article on their website or in their newsletter.

How you benefit is through what is called your "Resource Box". You create your own resource box which is like a signature file where you include one to two sentences and link back to your website (or blog in this case). Anyone who publishes your article has to include your resource box so you get incoming links. If someone with a large newsletter publishes your article you can get a lot of new readers at once.

1. Write more pillar articles. Everything you do above will help you to find blog readers however all of the techniques I've listed only work when you have strong pillars in place. Without them if you do everything above you may bring in readers but they won't stay or bother to come back. Aim for one solid pillar article per week and by the end of the year you will have a database of over 50 fantastic feature articles that will work hard for you to bring in more and more readers.

This article was by Yaro Starak, a professional blogger and my blog mentor. He is the leader of the Blog Mastermind mentoring program designed to teach bloggers how to earn a full time income blogging part time.


Is He The Next Eminem?!

Introducing... Asher Roth

Could we possibly be stumbling upon the next big white rapper?  Sure the dude sounds like Eminem, but that seems like a problem that a lot of white rappers have to deal with (and something they can't help at all).  The guy has impressed me.  

I've known about him for a minute now and when i first came across one of his videos on this hip hop site (sorry, y'all get NO love 'round these parts), I was quite surprised.  Not only was dude spittin' some hot ish, he seemed to have a persona, and kind of charisma to him.  I instantly wanted to watch more videos- and so that is what I proceeded to do.  I saw a couple vids of his freestyles, and of other industry heavyweights' reactions to the bars that the skinny white boy was spittin'.  I must say, I believe that the kid is gonna blow (pause).  That's just my opinion.  

Yes, he got signed off of Myspace and yes, he is on the all mighty Universal Music- signed to SRC.  The game needs someone exciting... fresh, and new... but is there room for another white rapper when Em is about to drop an album soon (supposedly)- arguably the best rapper alive?  I think so, but it will be interesting how the dude is received by the masses.  He is definitely nice.  Check him out and lemme know what you think.

Roc Boys Freestyle, "Roth Boys"

"Throw Da Water on 'Em" Freestyle


-WhieBee? [wh-eye-b-ee]

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ladies...I'm Talkin' To You...

A Few Questions...

  • What kind of things would you like to see on this blog?
  • What topics would you like us to talk about?
  • Would you want to submit your questions and topic resquest to us?

We want your feedback and create enough dialogue and entertainment to keep you coming back each and everyday. Feel free to email us at or leave a comment on this post. Thanks!

(we are not only targeting the ladies with this blog, but I just wanted their perspective as we know how we can attract the guys to the site...pause)

Holla at me!

-WhieBee? [wh-eye-b-ee]

So I Let Her Lick The Rapper...

Is he really the BEST rapper alive?

Lil Wayne

  • Countless mixtape and remix appearances
  • Punchlines leaving you saying, "did he really just say that?"
  • Over a million sold in one week (in 2008? what?!) [double platinum in a month and 1/2]
  • Rockstar status that has the most mainstream music fan paying attention to his past MIXTAPE material.

Does this make him the BEST rapper alive? Personally, I like the lil martian. I find myself wanting to hear what's going to come out of mouth of the man who seems to constantly be under the influence of something- whether it's an illegal substance, or ummm... himself- as he likes to put it. But honestly, who cares what he's on as long as he delivers the music that people want to hear, right? Who cares if Pookie from Flatbush or DayDay in Compton rather bump Fab or Game respectively. Honestly, little Jeremy Smith and his whole high school from the burbs in Ohio are singing "she-she lick me lick a lollipop/shawty wanna thuuuug...", secretly while thier parents aren't around.

Some people say he's whats wrong with Hip Hop...He's not saying anything in his rhymes..."I cant understand anything he's saying"....and blah blah blah. Obviously this guy is popular for a reason. And I am in no way a big Lil Wayne fan (I personally like to rep Fif and The Unit..G G G G-Unit!!), BUT I do recognize the appeal that he has and i respect what he's doing and how he's getting his money. I mean, charging $75-100,000 for a mere 16 bars for a feature is outrageous, but he just might be worth it nowadays, right? (think bout how many songs he will be on in the future and start doing the math)

Something that stood out to me was a convo I had with my little sister, who is in high school. "Jay-z is wack...Weezy is God. Do you hear the things that he says?", as she proceeds to recite some lines that she thinks I don't know. I told her that she was crazy cuz Jay-z is probably the REAL best rapper alive, with Eminem in contention for that #1 spot as well. BUT, that statement right there shows what the kids these days are thinking today. They LOVE Weezy and think he is the best ever and I didn't really realize that until i spoke to my sister about it. He has the high school kids ON LOCK. Really- on lock. I've never heard "the livest audience on television" scream so loud for someone before. When you get kids- and especially teenage girls- loving you, your gonna sell alot of records.

So what do y'all think? Do you like Lil Wayne? Do you hate him? What makes you like or not like the Baby-kissing, Lean-drinkin, Alien-looking, millionaire MC? And again, I am in no way a big Weezy fan. He just has me caught up in his web- and I damn sure aint the only one stuck!

Holla at the kid...

"Now what I look like/And if it aint money, then I dont look right/And that dont sound right/I swear, you can get a full clip not a sound bite...?- Lil Wayne

-WhieBee? [wh-eye-b-ee]