Sunday, July 27, 2008

So I Let Her Lick The Rapper...

Is he really the BEST rapper alive?

Lil Wayne

  • Countless mixtape and remix appearances
  • Punchlines leaving you saying, "did he really just say that?"
  • Over a million sold in one week (in 2008? what?!) [double platinum in a month and 1/2]
  • Rockstar status that has the most mainstream music fan paying attention to his past MIXTAPE material.

Does this make him the BEST rapper alive? Personally, I like the lil martian. I find myself wanting to hear what's going to come out of mouth of the man who seems to constantly be under the influence of something- whether it's an illegal substance, or ummm... himself- as he likes to put it. But honestly, who cares what he's on as long as he delivers the music that people want to hear, right? Who cares if Pookie from Flatbush or DayDay in Compton rather bump Fab or Game respectively. Honestly, little Jeremy Smith and his whole high school from the burbs in Ohio are singing "she-she lick me lick a lollipop/shawty wanna thuuuug...", secretly while thier parents aren't around.

Some people say he's whats wrong with Hip Hop...He's not saying anything in his rhymes..."I cant understand anything he's saying"....and blah blah blah. Obviously this guy is popular for a reason. And I am in no way a big Lil Wayne fan (I personally like to rep Fif and The Unit..G G G G-Unit!!), BUT I do recognize the appeal that he has and i respect what he's doing and how he's getting his money. I mean, charging $75-100,000 for a mere 16 bars for a feature is outrageous, but he just might be worth it nowadays, right? (think bout how many songs he will be on in the future and start doing the math)

Something that stood out to me was a convo I had with my little sister, who is in high school. "Jay-z is wack...Weezy is God. Do you hear the things that he says?", as she proceeds to recite some lines that she thinks I don't know. I told her that she was crazy cuz Jay-z is probably the REAL best rapper alive, with Eminem in contention for that #1 spot as well. BUT, that statement right there shows what the kids these days are thinking today. They LOVE Weezy and think he is the best ever and I didn't really realize that until i spoke to my sister about it. He has the high school kids ON LOCK. Really- on lock. I've never heard "the livest audience on television" scream so loud for someone before. When you get kids- and especially teenage girls- loving you, your gonna sell alot of records.

So what do y'all think? Do you like Lil Wayne? Do you hate him? What makes you like or not like the Baby-kissing, Lean-drinkin, Alien-looking, millionaire MC? And again, I am in no way a big Weezy fan. He just has me caught up in his web- and I damn sure aint the only one stuck!

Holla at the kid...

"Now what I look like/And if it aint money, then I dont look right/And that dont sound right/I swear, you can get a full clip not a sound bite...?- Lil Wayne

-WhieBee? [wh-eye-b-ee]

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