Tuesday, July 29, 2008

dealing with WEIGHT issues?

Wanna Lose Weight?...  Are You Too Lazy?...  Not Enough Time?... Just Don't Care?...
**this is long, but I think it's pretty interesting if you are thinking about losing weight***

Alright, so it's about 9 am on a Tuesday morning and I just got back from the gym.  On the 15 minute walk back to my house I got to thinkin' about what I've been doing since I've come home from college in May.  For 9 weeks now I have been going through the very tough routine of waking up at 6:15 and hauling my ass to the gym.  Now, 6:15 is DUMB early for anybody to do anything ("Dumb" is another word for "mad", "very",  or "wicked" [for u funny talkin' New Englanders]- yes, I indeed said that).  

For the first 2-3 weeks I was doing it on my own... Going to the gym and lifting weights for about a half hour and then doing cardio for a half hour (okay, maybe the cardio was 10-15 minutes at first because boy, do I hate running on a treadmill- it's soooo boring, man).  Doing it by yourself is tough, but I was motivated because I saw that my trousers (funny word) were feeling a little tight around the mid section (another funny term, to me- reminds me of wrestling commentators like Jim Ross).  I had eaten sooo much chicken wings and waffle fries (with melted cheese) at school that I might as well have worked for the place I ordered from.  I was a loyal customer and deserved a free meal or something, don't you think?  But then again, that food is what made my belly look like there was a grown man in it, so maybe it's a good thing that the free meal never happened.  Don't worry, this blog is going somewhere and will have a good message at the end, i PROMISE.

So upon coming home I decided I was gonna try to change my life-mainly my waist size.  I was gonna join the gym and work out hard every day and get back down to the weight I was at the end of the summer.  

Oh yea, last summer I worked out for the whole summer break before going back to school and ended up losing about 15 lbs- though in the mirror it looked like maybe I lost 5- and when I went back to school everyone was talkin' about how good I looked and how I lost a lot of weight.  FIrst of all, I knew I dropped some, but I didn't expect the reaction that I got from these people.  It was almost like I was a whale before, and I came back as a dolphin.  Had me thinkin', "Damn, was I really that much bigger?...cuz I don't see much of a difference in myself".  But i'll tell you one thing- That ish made me feel damn good, I won't lie.  

So, using that experience, I knew that I should be able to duplicate that, and If I work even harder, I can lose even more weight... 
I weighed wayyy more than I ever have in my life at this point and I didn't get how some people were still askin' me "why do you wanna go on a diet...you're not fat...you're just muscular...you look like Timbaland". [ I DON'T wanna be buff like Timbo!!!  By the way... Tim, you are the best to ever do it, POINT, BLANK, PERIOD and I'm working hard to make my mark in music one day, also].  Now at this point I was wondering what drugs these people were on cuz yea, there was muscle, but i saw a good amount of fat that I wasn't happy with either.  
I start working out and its going well.  I'm starting to see that I'm getting in better shape, hoping that this is gonna lead to massive weight loss and I'll be on the beach with my shirt off, having boos faint as I walk by, in no time.  Then I wake up and realize that losing weight takes time and you have to continue to stay motivated and believe that you can do it.  You can quit too soon or get discouraged too quickly and end up not living up to the potential of your desired weight loss.

A few weeks go by and I ask one of my boys if he wanted start working out.  Running on the treadmill was getting so boring (until I used the Reebok ones with the TV's BUILT IN them, but more on that later), that I wouldn't have minded running on the track and doing some work outs outside.  Knowing how I am, I knew I wouldn't be able to do it on my own cuz man, keeping yourself motivated, no matter how good of a motivator you think you are, is tough.  My boy was down, so that made me happy that I now had a partner.  

We start doing all types of drills and exercises- running stairs, core workouts, laps, suicides, sprints- and things have been going well.  We even got one of our friends to join us consistently and another who comes from time to time.  Occasionally we'll have that, "I'm feeling comfortable in this spot" morning when we don't wanna wake up and have a phone conversation like...
"yo, you wanna go...?"
"yeah, me either, but tomorrow, definitely, aight?"

But for the most part we have done a good job of waking up and getting it done.  It's tough, but we get it done.  The feeling that you have after you work out is a great one.  You feel refreshed and relaxed.  You may be waking up at 12 everyday and doing nothing all day, or maybe you're working and you come home and just eat and watch TV, but think about the transformation you could make to your mind and body in just one hour a day?  I typically work out about 2 hours a day, 6 days a week- Sometimes 7, along with playing basketball on the weekends.  Oh and yea after we do our work out for about 45 minutes to an hour in the morning, my friends go to work or home, and I go to the gym and lift and do more cardio for another hour. 

So... how do I do it, you ask?  Man, I'm tellin' you...It's DUMB hard (there goes that word again), but if you are really unhappy with the way you look or your fitness level you will make the choice to change and do what it takes, or else you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life and it will only get worse- to the point of no return.  Think about it.  Let's say you have been thinking about joining the gym for the past 6 months.  How much weight could you have lost in that 6 months?  If you knew you would've lost at least 30 points would that make you want to go back in time?  If you wouldn't want to hop back like Marty McFly, then this blog isn't meant for you to read.  This is for the people who want to lose weight and find it hard to find the motivation or the will to actually do it.

I've been on this regiment for 9 weeks now and according to the scales today- both in my house and at the gym- I've lost exactly 22 lbs (I haven't eaten yet, so we'll see what those mf'ers say later when I check again).  Now, honestly, I see a mild difference, but I feel like I don't see 22 lbs of weight loss.  That makes it hard to keep going.  But one thing that keeps me from giving up is the reaction from the trainer at the gym and another older man that is there EVERY morning (this guy has to be in his 50's or 60's and he's there everyday... how old are you?)  They have been telling me for the past 2 weeks that they see a big difference- Big?...I see a little difference- and to stay motivated if I'm trying to lose more.   You know how old people talk... this guy was like, "I haven't been known to tell no lies... Man, you lookin' good.  Keep it up...Imma start callin'  you skinny...".  Pause.  

To get encouragement like that helps me to keep it going and hopefully I can do it, cuz I still don't see the BIG difference.  But if other people can see it then I guess they aren't blind.  And men may lie, women may lie, but NUMBERS don't.  And that 22 lbs  is an indication that I'm doing something right. 

So for all of you out there that don't think that you can do it, or you're too lazy to do it, or you don't think you have the time... Think about how badly you want to change yourself and what it takes to do it.  It doesn't happen over night, but it does happen if you stay focused and do what you are supposed to do.  I forgot to mention that I changed my diet and stopped eating a lot of fast food, fried food and things that are bad for you.  Thats probably the hardest part because you know I LOVE food if I was eating chicken wings and waffle fries on the regular.  

And about those TV's in the treadmill?  Running on a treadmill still isn't that appealing to me, but being able to watch "Saved By The Bell" while I run- without having to look up at a TV, hurting my neck, while reading the captions, cuz there's no sound- is a beautiful thing and helps out a lot!

Be motivated- Be focused- Be Willing

Holla at the kid!

-WhieBee? [wh-eye-b-ee]

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