Thursday, July 31, 2008

Earthquake hits southern California

I was channel surfing a few days ago and landed on the news channel which the headline was 5.4 magnitude earthquake hit southern California. A couple of people were little bit nervous and said they haven't felt an earthquake like this since 1994.Where I live all we have to worry about is the cold and snow. Hope there wasn't any major injuries and structural damages especially in today's economy.

“The earthquake that rattled Southern California on Tuesday might have caused devastation if it had taken place in some parts of the world, but relatively strict building codes ensured that most of the region's infrastructure -- homes, schools, freeways and rail systems -- rolled with the magnitude 5.4 punch, which was centered near Chino Hills and felt as far as Las Vegas.

As aftershocks continued to reverberate, officials inspected airports, freeways and buildings, and reported little damage from the quake, which occurred at
11:42 a.m. and was the first significant temblor in more than a decade to be centered in an urban area of California. The biggest strains were felt in phone and Internet systems, which buckled due to overwhelming demand in the minutes after the jolt.



Check these videos out especially the Judge Judy one.





Thanks to the LATIMES.COM for providing the article above.

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