Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What will Favre do?[Update]

If you follow sports then you know all about this Brett Favre fiasco going on right now. But for those that have been living under a rock, I’ll fill you in. To sum it up shortly, Brett Favre retired as qb of the Green Bay Packers in March.  July swings around and he says to himself, “Hey wait a minute, I still want to play”.  And pretty much from there, it begins…

Now at this point the Packers have already gone forward with 3rd year Qb Aaron Rodgers. They’ve already MOVED ON. Apparently Favre has not. He still feels he can play for at least another year or two.  Packers aren’t having it. The head coach Mike McCarthy has already named Rodgers his starting QB and that’s what the team is going with. Favre wants to be back with the Packers but sure as hell not going to be a back up to Rodgers holding a clipboard on the sideline. The entire Green Bay packer organization is practically begging Favre to stay away from Training Camp so that there won’t be this huge distraction with the team.  Which is completely understandable.

So what are Brett Favre’s options? Well HE wants a release from the Packers (which is said to be that he’ll end up with the Vikings if that happened). But there is NO CHANCE IN HELLLLLLLL that they release him. Packers don’t want him in the same division, let alone the NFC I think. So sorry Mr. Fav-rah, that ain’t happening.  Then there is a trade. Which I personally think will happen. To where is completely another story.  The rumors have reported Tampa Bay Bucs and New York Jets. I think the Packers would much rather have him on the Jets and in the AFC BUT I also think Favre prefers to go elsewhere if he were to be traded. If it were between those two teams, Tampa Bay would be the ideal spot considering he’d probably pick up that offense better. But then again he’s a future HOF, Superbowl, Probowl, 18-year quarterback. I’m pretty sure he’d be able to pick up any offense without much trouble.

All in all, this has gone on for way too long. He said he wanted to be back the beginning of July, and he JUST turned in his papers to be reinstated. It’s like he’s toying with everyone.  Packers don’t want you back, you are not going to be released, start talking to teams and accept a damn trade.  In the end I think thePackers are going to take just about anything in a trade to get this problem away from them.  I don’t see how he they will let him back, unless he accepts the backup role. For what reason? I have no idea.  And if the Packers take him back and start him over Rodgers, then I will lose all respect for that ENTIRE team and organization. Because then he just bitched all of you.  But yea who knows.

With that all said, I would like to end this by saying as a Jets fan - Brett, we sure would love a guy like you over here on the Jets. ;)

             Let the 2008-09 NFL season BEGIN!! (still about a month away but still)

*Update: Supposedly Brett Favre was offered $20 million over 10 years to stay home and retired from Packers CEO, Mark Murphy. If that's true, god damn! Stay retired! But he'll never accept that. It's getting ugly I tell ya!

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