Thursday, July 31, 2008

Find A Goal and Score

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I just want to talk a little bit about something that's effecting me and a lot of people i know and don't know. So I'm talking to you and myself. Being a young adult it's difficult to know what you want to do in life or what your suppose to do. For those rare individuals who knew since they were little kids, that's a gift. But for the many of us it doesn't come that easy, so don't think you're alone. The best thing i can suggest to fix that is just by exposing yourself to many different things, activities, and people. When your environment is very limited and always the same you lack stimulation from the world and can make you feel that there are no options other than what you already know. A fire can be lit inside you that you never knew was there just by meeting a new person or doing a new activity.

Now for those of us who know what they want to do but make excuses why they aren't there yet. You have to put some action behind your words. The more you talk about doing something the more you're not taking action to do it. So basically more action. The reason you might not be taking action is because you're just looking at the ultimate goal which might seem so distant it could be discouraging. It's like being on the one yard line in football and trying to get a touchdown in just four tries. That task seem so difficult you probably would give up before even trying. But if you can get some first downs on your way, then that task has gotten a lot more do- able. Pretty much you have to set little goals to get you to the big one.

Lastly just make sure you have a goal cause that's the only way things get accomplished. Imagine seeing two kids playing basketball with no hoop (no crates, no garbage cans, no clothes hangers you can bend into a hoop for all my people from the hood). You probable wonder what the hell are they doing. You might even ask them how do they know who's winning and think that they are wasting their time. When your mom, dad, girlfriend , boyfriend, brother, sister etc. is giving you a hard time about what your doing with your life, they see you playing basketball with no hoop. So just make sure you're moving forward everyday because even if you think you stood still, you really went backwards cause time is always moving forwards.

So find that goal and get it poppin. Peace.

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